Historical Precedents

In these troubled times the wisdom of the past can provide guidance for the future. We will bring together for your enlightenment the voices of people from the past to share their perspectives on our world. Some will be regulars, others less frequent visitors. Together enjoy their wisdom

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The New Roman Empire - Part I

First I am glad that my spirit is back among the living amd able to communicate with the people through this miracle of the internet.

I was even more delighted to learn through the internet of the activities of Emperor Bush II. In examining some of these activities it seems clear to me that they all point to the master plan of Emperor Bush II and it is my glimpse of that master plan that has brought me so much joy.

Emperor Bush II's master plan of course begins in Iraq. There he will set up the first of his subordinate rulers, the Emperor Chalabi. With that previously unstable state under control Emperor Bush II will move on the stabilize other states which have been on the brink of chaos for many years. And where next? Do you know how many governments Italy has had in the last 50 years? Yes, Italy will be next and that is what has warmed my heart!

Gaius Caeser Augustus Germanicus

More to come.....


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