Historical Precedents

In these troubled times the wisdom of the past can provide guidance for the future. We will bring together for your enlightenment the voices of people from the past to share their perspectives on our world. Some will be regulars, others less frequent visitors. Together enjoy their wisdom

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What Time Forgot (or so I hoped)

My last. memory before being frozen, as I was drifting into sleep, was at least I won't have to deal with Him anymore. And who was him you might ask? You will no doubt be surprised, so let me explain.

All of the leaders of the Reich were of one vision for the future of the world. Many in fact most were competent, even great leaders (although one must admit that some, such as the Fuhrer himself could me, mildly erratic). But there was an exception.

A massive publicity campaign about Goering painted him as the model of competent, ruthlessly efficient leadership. He was, according to this construct, the Fuhrer's right hand man. Nothing could be further from the truth about Goering than was this public view (a view he largely created in his younger days I should add).

But this was not true. Goering was completely locked into the world of his youth. His rotting brain spinning out one solution after another, each more demented than the last, for the problems of the day that were based on a world that no longer existed.

The real Goering was a syphilitic, drug addled fool. That is a charitable view of him. But he had the Fuhrer's ear for whatever reason. His loyalty compensating for his madness.

And then I awoke from his sleep. As my confusion cleared I asked about Goering. Time had freed me of him. I had often thought of my awakening from my long freeze being like a Hindu rebirth.

Finding that I no longer had to deal that fat fuck Goering convinced me of the good works of my previous life. I frankly was more than a bit surprised by this. Then I met Herr Cheney. I should have known better. Karma is indeed a cruel judge. I no longer think about reincarnation. I just go about my work for the cause.

Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich


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