Historical Precedents

In these troubled times the wisdom of the past can provide guidance for the future. We will bring together for your enlightenment the voices of people from the past to share their perspectives on our world. Some will be regulars, others less frequent visitors. Together enjoy their wisdom

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some Thoughts on Proconsul Libby

In many ways I feel out of place in today's times. In particular, some of my, um, let's call them romantic predilictions, seem out of place today. I was viewed even in my day as a bit unusual. While my day was much less conservative than today my rumored liasons with all three of my sisters, a number of brides who were not bethroved to me, several people who had been recently deceased and the odd domestic animal were considered rather scandalous. And I thought myself to be on the leading edge of the imagination in this regard.

But little girls and bears? It would never in a thousand years have entered my mind. In fact not even in the 1963 years since my departure from the world would I have thought of that. And pissing on a deer and then having relations with it? This Mr. Libby would have been a standout even in my circles. And that is saying very much indeed.

Posted for:
Gaius Caeser Augustus Germanicus


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