Historical Precedents

In these troubled times the wisdom of the past can provide guidance for the future. We will bring together for your enlightenment the voices of people from the past to share their perspectives on our world. Some will be regulars, others less frequent visitors. Together enjoy their wisdom

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Troubled by the Leader Speaking as He Left the Country

Dear Friends,

I must confess to being mildly troubled by the performance of Mr. Bush today. After the threat of indictments passed Mr. Rove announced that we would be going on the political offensive. We were all excited by the prospect. This started but the results of the recent elections and polls seems to have taken much of the courage from our efforts.

I am afraid today was a prime example of that. First having Mr. Chalabi meet with only Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld made it seem that Mr. Bush was changing his mind about Mr. Chalabi. It also accentuated the rumors of divisions within the party leadership. When this was coupled with speech that Mr. Bush gave in Alaska it was made even worse. In the speech Mr. Bush tried to support his actions by bringing up comments of the whining Democrats. We have spent years showing that the Democrats are weak and gutless so why are we now using them to explain our policies. We do not have to explain or make excuses. We need to lead. I must discuss my views on this with Mr. Rove. I am sure he will understand. I don't know why he is allowing it to happen. Perhaps he is still distracted by his legal issues.

Posted by Reinhard Heydrich

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some Thoughts on Proconsul Libby

In many ways I feel out of place in today's times. In particular, some of my, um, let's call them romantic predilictions, seem out of place today. I was viewed even in my day as a bit unusual. While my day was much less conservative than today my rumored liasons with all three of my sisters, a number of brides who were not bethroved to me, several people who had been recently deceased and the odd domestic animal were considered rather scandalous. And I thought myself to be on the leading edge of the imagination in this regard.

But little girls and bears? It would never in a thousand years have entered my mind. In fact not even in the 1963 years since my departure from the world would I have thought of that. And pissing on a deer and then having relations with it? This Mr. Libby would have been a standout even in my circles. And that is saying very much indeed.

Posted for:
Gaius Caeser Augustus Germanicus

What Time Forgot (or so I hoped)

My last. memory before being frozen, as I was drifting into sleep, was at least I won't have to deal with Him anymore. And who was him you might ask? You will no doubt be surprised, so let me explain.

All of the leaders of the Reich were of one vision for the future of the world. Many in fact most were competent, even great leaders (although one must admit that some, such as the Fuhrer himself could me, mildly erratic). But there was an exception.

A massive publicity campaign about Goering painted him as the model of competent, ruthlessly efficient leadership. He was, according to this construct, the Fuhrer's right hand man. Nothing could be further from the truth about Goering than was this public view (a view he largely created in his younger days I should add).

But this was not true. Goering was completely locked into the world of his youth. His rotting brain spinning out one solution after another, each more demented than the last, for the problems of the day that were based on a world that no longer existed.

The real Goering was a syphilitic, drug addled fool. That is a charitable view of him. But he had the Fuhrer's ear for whatever reason. His loyalty compensating for his madness.

And then I awoke from his sleep. As my confusion cleared I asked about Goering. Time had freed me of him. I had often thought of my awakening from my long freeze being like a Hindu rebirth.

Finding that I no longer had to deal that fat fuck Goering convinced me of the good works of my previous life. I frankly was more than a bit surprised by this. Then I met Herr Cheney. I should have known better. Karma is indeed a cruel judge. I no longer think about reincarnation. I just go about my work for the cause.

Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich

The New Roman Empire - Part I

First I am glad that my spirit is back among the living amd able to communicate with the people through this miracle of the internet.

I was even more delighted to learn through the internet of the activities of Emperor Bush II. In examining some of these activities it seems clear to me that they all point to the master plan of Emperor Bush II and it is my glimpse of that master plan that has brought me so much joy.

Emperor Bush II's master plan of course begins in Iraq. There he will set up the first of his subordinate rulers, the Emperor Chalabi. With that previously unstable state under control Emperor Bush II will move on the stabilize other states which have been on the brink of chaos for many years. And where next? Do you know how many governments Italy has had in the last 50 years? Yes, Italy will be next and that is what has warmed my heart!

Gaius Caeser Augustus Germanicus

More to come.....

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My Frozen Past

Some of you may know me from my past and think that I am no longer among the living. But no, I am one of the few who inhabit this site who are still around. The official history was that I died in 1942. That is not quite correct though.

In 1942 I was seriously wounded and it was clear that I would not survive the infection that resulted from my wounds. In an act of desparation, I was frozen in an experimental procedure. I remained frozen for many years. While I have no first hand knowledge of what happened, of course, I have been given a description of what happened during that time.

As it was clear that the Reich would lose, some of my loyal former officers and men, who had been entrusted to care for me, and at the appropriate time revive me took steps for my safekeeping. I was transferred to a U-boat and carried in that to South America. Once there I was stored until very recently.

It seems that some of my old colleagues. were friends of the Bush family through Herr Prescott. When Herr George W. Bush was preparing for his acquisition of the presidency, some of his staff, such as Herr Rove believed that given their long term vision that someone of my skills would be invaluable.

Based on this I was thawed in 1998 and began my preparations. This has involved both reading the history I have missed, both political history and social history. I am now functioning fully for the team. I work in the areas of security of course.

I recently found this site on the internet and am making it my home. Some other interesting people have also been dropping buy. We may provide some interesting perspectives on the events of the world. Good day

Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich


Welcome to our gathering place for people of the past! Let's see what they have to say about the present.